Legal Notice

Company name : Papeterie Zuber Rieder

Legal status : SAS with share capital of €10,000,000

SIRET : 347 700 635 00027

APE : 1712Z
Address: Rue de l'Usine - 25320 BOUSSIERES

Email : contact[@]

Phone number : T. (+33) 03 81 60 88 00

Commercial and Companies Registry : 347 700 635 RCS de Besançon

Intracommunity VAT number : FR 01 347 700 635

Publication manager : Alessandra La Rocca

Technical and graphic production : - 9, Rue de Villersexel, 70000 NAVENNE - contact[@]

Site host :
OVH - 2, Rue Kellerman, 59100 ROUBAIX

Personal data

In accordance with European Directive 2009/136/EC, we inform you of the personal data collected by this site. You have the right to access, modify and delete your personal data on request by
contacting: privacy[@]


When you browse the Internet, cookies may be stored on your web browser or computer (including tablets and cell phones). They enable us to transmit information to the owners of the sites you visit.

The cookies we use

Logs: these record the history of website traffic. They are used for technical purposes only (to check that the site is working properly, and to ensure that the site is not being used for malicious purposes (hacking, spam, etc.)). Only your IP address is collected and stored for 90 days. This data is stored on the server hosting the website and is only accessible by the site developer (

Forms: the various forms on the site collect only the data you enter in the fields. This data is stored in the website's database for the duration of the website's life. It is also transmitted by e-mail to Netizis.

Google Analytics: Google Analytics is a statistical tool. It enables us to learn about your visiting behavior on our site and thus make improvements. This data is only accessible by Netizis and is only used for analysis purposes. It is kept for 26 months.